Here are the available fonts
Please choose the desired ones
- Arial
- Helvetica Neue
- Courier New
- Times New Roman
- Comic Sans MS
- Verdana
- Impact
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Alfa Slab One
- Allan
- Amarante
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Allerta Stencil
- Allerta
- Amaranth
- Anton
- Arbutus
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo Black
- Arimo
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Asset
- Astloch
- Audiowide
- Bangers
- Baumans
- Bentham
- Bevan
- Bigshot One
- Black Ops One
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bubblegum Sans
- Buda 300
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- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Caesar Dressing
- Calligraffitti
- Candal
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- Cardo
- Carter One
- Caudex
- Cedarville Cursive
- Changa One
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Chewy
- Coda
- Codystar
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Copse
- Corben
- Cousine
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Crimson Text
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Didact Gothic
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- Droid Sans
- Droid Serif
- EB Garamond
- Ewert
- Expletus Sans
- Faster One
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- Forum
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- Fugaz One
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- Istok Web
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Judson
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kameron
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- Kranky
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- Kristi
- La Belle Aurore
- Lato
- League Script
- Lekton
- Limelight
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Luckiest Guy
- Maiden Orange
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- Maven Pro
- Maven Pro 900
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- Michroma
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miltonian
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- Montserrat
- Montserrat 700
- Mountains of Christmas
- Muli 300
- Muli
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- News Cycle
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- Nova Round
- Nova Script
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- Old Standard TT
- Open Sans 300
- Open Sans
- Open Sans 600
- Open Sans 800
- Open Sans Condensed 300
- Orbitron
- Orbitron 500
- Orbitron 700
- Orbitron 900
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Piedra
- Prociono
- Questrial
- Reenie Beanie
- Pacifico
- Patrick Hand
- Paytone One
- Permanent Marker
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- Play
- Playfair Display
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- Poiret One
- Press Start 2P
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- Quattrocento Sans
- Racing Sans One
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- Raleway 100
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- Ribeye Marrow
- Risque
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- Rokkitt
- Ruslan Display
- Schoolbell
- Shadows Into Light
- Shanti
- Sigmar One
- Six Caps
- Slackey
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Sniglet 800
- Special Elite
- Stardos Stencil
- Sue Elen Francisco
- Sunshiney
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Tenor Sans
- Terminal Dosis Light
- The Girl Next Door
- Tinos
- Ubuntu
- Ultra
- Unkempt
- UnifrakturCook bold
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vibur
- Vollkorn
- VT323
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Wire One
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yeseva One
- Zeyada